Organizing Ideas for Kids’ Rooms

Boy and girl painting

Ask most parents and they’ll tell you that having kids has enriched their lives in countless ways. But if there’s one common cause for complaint, it’s the clutter that tends to accompany children from infancy well into the teenage years.

There’s no getting around it—kids require stuff. And unfortunately, cleaning up after themselves isn’t typically a top priority. Maybe your child is exceptionally tidy, but if not, don’t worry! Following are some simple organizing ideas to get ahead of the mess and help keep your kid’s room (and other spaces in your home!) clutter-free and orderly, regardless of their age.

Organization ideas for infants, toddlers and young kids

Organization ideas for tweens and teens

Organization ideas for all

  • Use handy drawer organizers to store items like socks and underwear
  • Roll socks and underwear instead of folding them to conserve drawer space
  • Set a decorative tray on the dresser to serve as a catch-all
  • Add extra storage and seating with a DIY window seat
  • House small electronics in closet storage bins

Keep following our blog—and be sure to check out our Pinterest boards—for more home organizing ideas and kids’ room inspiration!