Stories to Help You Stay in Touch

Woman smiling at computer screen

Now, maybe more than ever, it’s important to keep in contact with your clients. You may not be able to schedule as many showings as usual, but you can let clients know you’re thinking of them. Remind them you’re still a great resource as they weigh their housing options, whether they end up buying next week, next season or next year. Look to our homebuyer blog, Homeward™, for fresh content to share on your social feeds and in your emails. Here are just a few of our latest stories:

4 House Hunting Mistakes to Avoid

From trying to fly solo to not establishing a budget, we’re highlighting some pitfalls buyers (especially first-timers) should sidestep. [Read more]

Which Floor Plan Are You?

Everyone loves an online quiz! This fun activity gets clients thinking about the way they live and how that might influence the type of home they’ll choose. [Read more]

Ways to Jumpstart Your House Hunt Online

Odds are good that serious shoppers haven’t let stay-at-home orders keep them from their house hunt; they’ve probably just moved a lot of it online. This article offers some tips they may not have thought to try. [Read more]

Floor Plan of the Week: The Jasper

This is the first of a series of floor plan video articles we’re launching on Homeward™. Even if we don’t offer this particular plan in your area, be sure to check what we’re highlighting each week and share the ones that may be the right fit for your buyers. [Read more]

Online Activities for Kids

Parents may be struggling for new ways to keep their kiddos entertained at home. Here are just a few ideas you can offer as a helpful gesture. [Read more]